Continuous offline development is essential with increasing workflow and part complexity.
All RICO press brakes are supplied with offline software included that varies depending on the control.
Off-line simulation of bending sequences and tool setting, using dynamic 3D to analyze collisions of the part with tools, fingers, and machine components.
In addition to programming the machine, it allows, through the import of 3D drawings, to create the robot program automatically and offline.

Technical support is vital for the excellent performance of our machines and equipment.
In 2007, we decided to offer free, lifetime training to all our customers.
We guarantee immediate intervention in emergencies.
We have highly qualified and experienced technicians who can give you the best advice in finding the best solutions for cutting and forming sheet metal.
In order to meet the requirements of each customer, our machines are fully configurable.
The sizing of any standard model can be changed to meet a particular needs.
The choice of a machine's configuration is fundamental to obtain the maximum performance considering the type of use.

Valuing service for quality, experience and proximity to the customer to support their machines.
Resolutions and guarantees of an excellent service and permanent pre and post sale advice.
Immediate response to any urgency, whether in terms of possible malfunctions, training, or clarification of doubts.
We have highly qualified and experienced technicians who can give you the best advice.